The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Lee

Jeffrey D. Lee served as the twelfth bishop of the Diocese of Chicago. He was elected in 2007 and ordained on February 2, 2008. After twelve years as Bishop of Chicago, he served the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee as Bishop Provisional from 2021 to 2023 and helped lead the reunion of the Diocese of Wisconsin.
During his time in Chicago, Bishop Lee led a cultural shift that focused the diocese’s resources on fostering cultural vitality; oversaw the reunification of the dioceses of Quincy and Chicago; helped diocesan leaders begin to address the legacy of slavery; oversaw significant growth and building in Latino congregations; and led a series of major fundraising campaigns.
Bishop Lee is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Nashotah House Seminary and served as a curate, canon to the ordinary and church planter in the Dioceses of Northern Indiana and Indianapolis. He served as rector of churches in Wisconsin and Washington State before being elected bishop. He is the author of several books and articles, has served on the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, and currently teaches pastoral liturgy at the Episcopal Divinity School and at Union Theological Seminary.
Jeff and his wife, Lisa Rogers Lee, have two adult children, Katherine and Jonathan. They are the doting grandparents of a nearly three-year-old grandson.