The Living Bread Book Group
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, 7:00 PM
When we receive Holy Communion, we are given its inward and spiritual grace even if we don’t know it or feel it. However, the power of this sacrament — the very life of Christ in us — becomes all the more real to us when we study, reflect, pray, and meditate on it. Our formation book for this season of Lent is The Living Bread by Thomas Merton, in which one of the foremost spiritual thinkers of the past century considers the mystery of the Eucharist in its fullness: as a sign of Christ’s love for us; as a sacrifice; as Christ’s presence with us; as food for our journey to God; as a foretaste of the perfect communion we will know with God in heaven and in the world to come. The book can be bought online from the publisher (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux), Amazon, or your preferred bookseller. Each session will meet in the Brooks Room and be led by one of the clergy. A light Lenten meal will be provided by participants. Virtual participation is an option, and a Zoom link will be provided upon request by contacting John Kennedy.
- March 1 | Unto the End
Rev. John Kennedy - March 8 | Do This in Memory of Me
Rev. Jessie Gutgsell Dodson - March 15 | Behold I Am With You
Rev. John Kennedy - March 22 | I Am the Way
Rev. Brandon Ashcraft - March 29 | The Sacred Banquet
Rev. Jeanne Leinbach