2025 Annual Meeting
Posted 01/29/2025
St. Paul's Annual Meeting on January 26, 2025, was very well attended!
If you did not attend the Annual Meeting (or want to revisit your favorite Lloyd Bell zingers), the video recording is available below. If you click-through to watch the video on YouTube, you can navigate the video by chapters.
Download the Annual Meeting Packet
Due to technical difficulties, the recording of the Annual Meeting Opening prayer lacked sound. Here is the text of the prayer by Rev. Gabriel, Rev. Rose Anne, and Rev. Patricia.
Annual Meeting Opening Prayer
Rev. Gabriel:
God of the seasons turning, another year has come and gone and once again we gather for the Annual Meeting of St. Paul’s. To this place we bring all the celebrations and hardships, the joys and the sorrows of the past 12 months. Here we pause to remember those whose lives we have celebrated as we said the last farewell of death.
Here we remember the highlights of the year: the ice cream social, the chili cookoff, the parish picnic, worship on the front lawn, concerts, choral evensongs, holy hikes, retreats, plays, and parties.
Rev. Rose Anne:
In this time of transition and discernment, we strive to faithfully seek you and your will, through our presence in this sacred space, as we worship you with our offerings of praise and thanksgiving, lifting our voices to you with words and music.
We strive to be ever mindful of and live into our baptismal vows as we offer the work of our minds, our hands, and our hearts, dedicating ourselves to loving each other, our friends and neighbors and you O Lord, our God. Help us to continue to offer what we can to your service and your glory, mindful of our many gifts, which you so generously bestow in so many ways throughout our lives.
Rev. Patricia:
Here also we gather to look forward to what is to come: the gifts and the challenges, the easy and the difficult.
We give thanks to you, our loving God, for you walk with us through it all.
Help us to sense your Spirit moving in our hearts, opening us to listen deeply to one another, bringing light to both realities and possibilities, and drawing us always to follow where your holy love and liberating wisdom leads.
May we, by the way we live, nestle ever closer into Christ’s precious love, and by so doing, may we fully realize our call and our capacity to be torchbearers of Light.
2025 Annual Meeting Highlights
Pictures from the 2025 Annual Meeting

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